Posts tagged ‘rambling’

July 8, 2011

Le Thoughts


It’s week one of our new literary slash photography blog venture, and WE HAVE SUBMISSIONS! That in itself makes us very happy, to know that we’ve already been heard by a few out there in the blogosphere. And we would love nothing more than for this trend to continue exponentially.

We would like to congratulate Stephen Schultz for his lovely photography submission, which earned him the very first, and only, post to date on The Plum Plum. This makes his photo Post of the Week.  In all seriousness, Stephen, we are grateful for your submission. Please keep up with us as we plan to work hard and often on this project over the course of this summer, and our long lives. Or until one of us gets a real job.

We have given thought to a format of sorts, but instead of adhering to it from day one, we’ll see how the submission pool plays out, get a feel for our viewers’ interests, and go from there. We do plan on engaging you guys weekly in a post such as this. But don’t worry, you won’t have to listen to us ramble on in this manner each time.

I, being more of the photography enthusiast of the two, would like to talk about things going on in the photography world– my latest work, a new trend in amateur or professional photography, that new camera that I cannot afford– but perhaps you can, et cetera. Mabel, on the other hand, will ramble on about poetry, poets, poems, and poetics. And other such alliterative nonsense. Joking. She is poet-in-residence, and the one to talk to about all things beginning with p.  But not photography.

To summarize, we are here, we want to see your work, and we want to share ours with you.

Speaking of things beginning with p, we warmly welcome you to The Plum Plum.


Maggie and Mabel